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Strike has no effect on local transport in the Kotka region

The two weeks of political strikes that started on 11.3.2024 will have no impact on local transport in the Kotka region for the time being.

The strikes may affect the availability of fuel, but for the time being the fuel situation for local transport operators in the Kotka region is still good. According to current information, there will be no need to restrict services during the two-week strike, at least not on Kotka city bus services and on route 1 of the Kotka-Hamina route (operated by Pohjolan Liikenne).

In the event of a fuel shortage, it is possible that there will be a reduction in the number of minibuses and regional buses (operated by Kymen Charterline Oy and Jyrkilä Oy).

Any changes will be notified in advance, and as much information as possible will be provided in advance about any services that may be cancelled.

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